Isolator Row

An important consideration when producing a stormwater pollution prevention plan is inspection and maintenance. Isolator Row is a patented sub-component of the ADS StormTech system that has been developed to enhance the removal of total suspended solids (TSS), metals, hydrocarbons and nutrients with easy access for both inspection and maintenance. Isolator Row consists of StormTech chambers, lined with a proprietary woven geotextile filter fabric. The row of chambers is linked to a nearby manhole, which is used as an inlet structure to provide convenient access and to manage first-flush flow into Isolator Row.

The woven geotextile, which is laid on the bed of Isolator Row, enables sediment to settle on the surface of the fabric. The stormwater is then filtered as it passes through the geotextile material, helping to trap pollutants and preventing them from moving downstream and into the environment where they could cause harm.

Isolator Row’s woven geotextile fabric also prevents scouring of the underlying foundation stone during the cleaning process using high-pressure jetting.
StormTech with Isolator Row can be integrated into a treatment train, with design and pre-treatment choices typically guided by regulatory demands. ADS recommends Isolator Row when seeking to minimise maintenance needs and costs. Third-party verified Mitigation Indices for Isolator Row derived from the British Water “How To Guide” demonstrate that StormTech provides TSS=0.8; Metals=0.6; Hydrocarbons=0.7 based on the CIRIA SuDS Manual C753 Simple Index Approach (SIA). This means that the StormTech system can be used for applications up to Medium Pollution Hazard Index (Ref: Table 26.2 CIRIA C753 The SuDS Manual) without the need for additional treatment components. This can be a very attractive proposition, resulting in capital and operational cost savings without compromising on quality and performance.